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DESKSCANNER - Desktop laser scanner for small pipes, stators and cylinders

HomeOptical non-contact measurement systemsDESKSCANNER - Desktop laser scanner for small pipes, stators and cylinders
DESKSCANNER - Desktop laser scanner for small pipes, stators and cylinders



A very convenient desktop scanner for inner surface inspection of small pipes, stators, and cylinders. It helps quickly measure any bores with an internal diameter from 15 mm with the accuracy of 0,01 mm.

The scanner has a two-position rotary conveyor. An operator loads a pipe inside and pushes the foot pedal. The rotary conveyor moves the pipe into the inspection area. The measurement cycle begins. At the same time, the operator can load the next pipe.

To scan the pipe, a laser scanner descends into it. Moving by spiral trajectory or another one, set by an operator, the scanner gets a cloud of points of the pipe inner surface.

The software calculates necessary geometrical parameters, compare the cloud of points with a reference model.

Minimal diameter of pipes which can be measured 15 mm.

Accuracy 0,01 mm.

Example of stator measurement:

Design of the scanner:



